T56 Rebuilds

Rebuild your manual transmission to perform for you.

All Transmission Rebuilds Feature Flat Rate Labor + Parts and Processing

Never wonder again who built your transmission or if you got the upgrades you paid for!

T56 Rebuilds
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Showing all 3 results

All transmission rebuilds feature flat rate labor plus the cost of replacement parts and any additional processing.  Packages listed above contain variable options and complete rebuild costs cannot be determined until your unit is disassembled and inspected.  Contact us for details.
Power Ratings  
I do not have power ratings listed with any of my transmissions as they will hold up to different amounts of power depending on how they are used, the torque you are making, the power adder used, and if your race kicks off from a dig or a roll.  Call us to custom built your trans today.
Additional Services
  • Expedited Service – contact us for more details and pricing.
Continued Support
  • Whether you drive it daily or need it track ready, your Lashbrook BUILT Transmission receives a reduced labor rate (unit must not be tampered with or modified in any way), regardless of vehicle ownership, on all future maintenance and repairs.
  • Wearable Parts – Parts in the transmission which are bound to or designed to wear at a quicker rate, such as, synchronizer rings, bearings, snap rings & seals and require periodic repair and maintenance.
  • Hard Parts – These are non-wearable parts, such as, gears, synchronizer assemblies, forks, case components, etc.
  • Processing – See our Additional Processing options for definitions and benefits of each.
  • NA – Not Available
  • TBD – To Be Determined